Death's Last Step


We crouch together

On death’s final step

For fear every breath

May be your last

Rays of sunlight

Catch your fingers

Slipping further

From my grasp

As the land 

Is cast in gold

Your touch

Your presence

Has lost its hold.

Two in One


Two stand in puddle by my feet

Behind, darkness enveloping the sky

I sink, unable to move

Water grasping my throat 

The air is thickening

I cannot breathe

I claw at my throat

I try to scream 

And then

I stand alone

By the reflection.



One child is born

Two eyes blink open

Three bleary glimpses

Four shaky steps

Five raw senses

Six loud voices

Seven daunting choices

Eight explored crises 

Nine earnest thoughts 

Ten personal vices.



Dear friend from over the ocean

You have been, this past year

My only companion

While we explore lands afar


Among peoples and cultures.

Yet however exotic they are

To sit together at the water 

On the sands of Malaysia 

Or in the mountains of Bavaria

Satisfies me all the more.

Sadly now I leave you behind

For, I hope, a short time

To fill those empty shoes 

But we will, soon, once again 

Explore the world together.